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Tuesday 2 October 2018

Tesla and the FBI

In digging deeper in to life the Tesla, several things came to light.
One it looked like someone was intentionally trying to erase him from history and.
Two the FBI and several other government agencies had interest in him.

Letter to J Edgar Hoover
It appears that on the 24 Sept 1940 someone had written to J Edgar Hoover with concerns about an article written in the New York Times (Sunday 22 Sept 1940). Their concerns where about a weapon that Tesla called "Teleforce", and that Tesla himself might be kidnapped, tortured and made to give up the plans for this weapon. Unfortunately the senders name has been redacted on the letter.  
Reply from J Edgar hoover

 At the time J Edgar Hoover was head of the FBI (he was Director from 1924 to 1971). Mr Hoover or his secretary replied on the 1st Oct 1940. 

New York Times Article

So did Tesla have a protection detail to look after him or was he under surveillance himself. No-one seems to have the answer to that one. But you can guarantee if the FBI where interested in him so where the OSS (Office of Strategic Services which was the precursor to the CIA and probably other non American agencies as well.

FBI Report on Tesla's death
Then when Tesla died according to most sources like Wikipedia he died on the 7th Jan 1943. But in a report by the FBI in New York they state it was actually the 8th Jan the document was written on the 12th Jan 1943. So why the discrepancy. Was it to give them time to search his room. They had already opened his safe then changed the combination. apparently they didn't find anything of value. But then why did they go back and take two truck loads of files and sent them to the  Manhattan Storage And Warehouse Co on 7th Avenue on the corners of 52nd and 53rd streets. It also states that there where 30 barrels and bundles belonging to Tesla already there. Strangely the Office of Alien Property Custodian got involved, but they didn't seem to think it was their jurisdiction. About this time Vannevar Bush (more on him in another article) got involved and asked John G Trump (Donald Trump's uncle) to evaluate Tesla's work. He concluded it was of no importance, this was probably not true (fake news even happened back then).  I think this was to throw other agencies off the scent. 
Part two of FBI report

 Now the other thing is that there where about 80 trunks full of Tesla's files plus the 30 or so barrels. Where did they all go. The Tesla museum in Belgrade Serbia only got about 50 trunks and his safe so what has happened to the rest ????

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